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CCFA Personal Accident Insurance Scheme

The CCFA manages a Collective Group Personal Accident (GPA) Scheme.

All CCF contingents are strongly urged to participate in this comprehensive, cost effective and valuable scheme. Where Contingent Commanders are content to rely on the school or college personal accident policy for cadet insurance cover, it is important to ascertain that such policies do cover CCF activities held away from school/college premises or when using equipment not belonging to the school/college, especially if events are to be held on Defence Training Estate, or other premises which do not belong to the school or college.

Evidence suggests that in some instances, school or college Personal Accident Policies do not cover a range of the challenging outdoor pursuits that are included automatically in this scheme, such as outdoor climbing and full-bore rifle shooting. It is very important to check with the school senior leadership team to establish the level of school insurance cover available, if a decision is made not to join the CCFA GPA Scheme.

The scheme must not be confused with the very limited indemnity provided by the Ministry of Defence (MOD). The MOD Indemnity operates on the basis of legal liability only. This means that the MOD will deal with claims that arise due to the negligence of the MOD, its service personnel, servants or agents. In other words, claimants will have to prove their case of negligence against the MOD, and its responsibility for any injury, before it agrees to pay compensation. The MOD does not automatically pay compensation for death or injury.

The CCFA GPA Scheme, therefore, stands completely alone from the MOD indemnity arrangement, acting as a benefit policy. It will respond to an insured event regardless of who is at fault. So, if an individual has claimed against the policy for an accident, but considers that the MOD is ultimately liable, he or she will remain entitled to make a claim against the MOD if appropriate. Any subsequent compensation paid by the MOD will not affect any benefit paid by the CCFA GPA Scheme and vice versa.

CCFA Insurance Schemes:

  • CCF Personal Accident Insurance and Contingent Public Liability. This is for CCF cadets and CFAVs in member contingents. The cover includes accidents that happen during all authorised cadet activity and operates independently from the MOD Liability (you could claim on both independently). The cover also extends to include accidents on the way to your CCF place of duty.
  • CCF Travel Insurance. This insurance is specifically tailored to the CCF and includes all authorised activity. It is purchased through CCFA on a per trip basis. If you want to undertake an activity that is not on the DIN you must contact the CCFA Insurance Administrator and get it added to the policy (there may be an excess for this service). Some specific inclusions are: A reduced excess of £40, Search and Rescue cover and the use of sporting guns for authorised cadet shooting.
  • Legal Expenses. This service is automatically available to serving CCF CFAVs in a member contingent. Once a CFAV has left the CCF they are no longer covered. CFAVs in a brigade or national appointment can also take out this insurance by contacting CCFA’s Insurance Officer.

For further information regarding the CCFA insurance schemes please contact the CCFA Insurance Officer - Lt Col (Ret'd) Richard Quicke at richard.quicke@acctuk.org or on 07810 442636.