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Benefits of being a cadet

Want to fly a plane, climb mountains, learn to sail and make an incredible group of friends? The CCF offers life changing experiences that no other extra-curricular activity can match.

Want to learn to sail, learn to live in the field, to shoot, complete an obstacle course, experience adventurous training and expeditions, learn to glide and experience flying, and alongside all of that, make an incredible group of friends?

The CCF offers life changing experiences that no other extra-curricular activity can match. Joining the CCF provides so many opportunities to challenge yourself, develop your skills, and work as part of a team.

Why join the CCF?

Becoming a cadet within the CCF can be a life-changing experience. Being a cadet will give you the opportunity to take part in a huge range of exciting and adventurous, military-themed activities. There is something for everyone.


Each section will have its own focus, and key activities. There are some parts of the training that are common to all sections though, and all of which help build your skills, your confidence, and which look great on college, university or job applications. Read more about the different activities on offer.


Whichever Service section you join (Royal Navy, Royal Marines, Army or Royal Air Force), you will quickly build important skills like teamwork, confidence and self-discipline, as well as having the opportunity to take on leadership roles. CCF offers you a chance to get to know a wide-range of people from across the school, and work together to take on new challenges. Whatever your academic ability, CCF can give you the chance to shine.

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