CCF inspection 46 web 1

Biennial General Inspection at Haileybury

Army, RAF and Navy cadets at Haileybury have demonstrated a number of impressive skills and techniques in their Biennial General Inspection.

The CCF, which was established at the school in 1886, welcomed Colonel Every (Royal Artillery) to carry out the MOD-required inspection.

Biennial General Inspection at Haileybury

4 May 2018

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Major Nick Davies, CCF Contingent Commander, said the Colonel was clearly impressed by what he saw and heard. “As well as liking the training activities, he described the quality of conversation he had enjoyed with our Sixth Form cadets in glowing terms; indeed our NCOs were superb ambassadors for our Contingent and our school throughout the day.”

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Army Middles conducted command tasks, practised weapon handling and conducted a log run while the Army Fifths completed a march and shoot competition.

Royal Navy Fifths used semaphore, radios and Morse code as part of a communication exercise and the RN Middles built a resupply tower with ropes and large telegraph poles.

The RAF section demonstrated drill lessons and other command tasks as well as archery using the school’s flight simulator.

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“Haileybury has a proud and rich history which the cadets and officer remember whenever they put on their service uniform and the cadets are lucky to be able to take part in as diverse a set of training activities as they do, across all three services,” added Maj Davies.

“Our mission is to provide our cadets with unique, exciting and challenging activities so as to help develop character. Teamwork, leadership and resilience are the types of characteristics that CCF training strives to foster and these are attributes that will serve the cadets well, whatever they do beyond Haileybury.”

CCF inspection 54 web 1