Hd Cdts Yth STEM UTC

CCF Royal Navy Cadets Senior Leadership Course

Captain Gavin MacDougall RN, Head of Cadets, Youth and STEM/UTC paid a surprise visit at the Cadets Senior Leadership Course recently.

CCF Royal Navy Cadets Senior Leadership Course

20 July 2022

  • Royal Navy
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The CCF RN Cadets attending the Senior Leadership Course at HMS RALEIGH this week enjoyed a surprise visit from Captain Gavin MacDougall, Head of Cadets, Youth and STEM/UTC. Cadets came together from as far and wide as Glasgow and Exeter.

During a really lively and informative ‘fireside chat’, the cadets turned the heat up and put him through his paces with a wide range of topics: uniform and the introduction of RIG22, cadet promotion prospects, inclusivity, diversity and the future of the RN cadet warship experience. A great exchange of ideas at the start of a really good week of training for our young cadets.

Hd Cdts Yth STEM UTC