Coronavirus (COVID-19)

You will be all too aware of recent media attention on Coronavirus.

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

25 March 2020

All news articles

The latest information on COVID-19 can be found here. Information about the signs and symptoms of coronavirus, how to reduce the risk of catching the virus and what to do if you feel unwell, is available on the NHS website. Both sites are updated regularly and will always have the best advice and guidance from medical professionals.

If you think you have caught coronavirus, do not go to a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital. Call 111, stay indoors and avoid close contact with other people. Tell 111 about any recent travel and symptoms you have.

You will have seen that the UK Government announced new measures around Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation on Monday 23 March that ordered police to enforce a strict coronavirus lockdown, with a ban on gatherings of more than two people and strict limits on exercise, as Boris Johnson told the British public: “You must stay at home.”

This also follows the closure of all UK schools on Friday 20 March.

Suspension of Cadet Activity

In line with Government guidance, and following consultation with MOD and across the Armed Forces Cadet community, all face-to-face Cadet parade nights, activities and events were suspended as of Tuesday 17 March 2020 until further notice. This suspension applies to all Cadets and Cadet Force Adult Volunteers.

We will continue to follow official guidance; the safety of everyone involved with Cadets both young people and adult volunteers is our first priority.

Government Advice

The Government's Coronavirus (COVID-19) webpage is frequently updated as things develop, so please check it regularly at:

Cadets Headquarters

Staff are now working remotely to provide all essential services and are committed to bringing training tools online via the Cadet Portal over the coming weeks.

Ongoing Support

We are planning to share activities for Cadets to do online and at home with their parents if families are faced with self-isolation. You can keep up to date with all online Cadet activity across Facebook, Twitter and Instagram by searching and using the hashtags #VirtualCCF #Keeptheflamealive and #CadetForceResilience