CVQO Leadership Course 2017 - entries now open

The CVQO annual leadership course is now accepting cadet nominations for the 2017 course.

CVQO Leadership Course 2017 - entries now open

5 September 2017

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What is it?

A week-long residential leadership course, taking place between 23 – 27 October 2017, at Outposts in Somerset.

During the week, cadets will complete an exciting programme of physical leadership and teamwork tasks as well as an ILM Level 3 qualification in Leadership and Management.

The course, combined with their experience of leading others in their youth organisation, will enable the cadet to complete their assignment workbook in order to achieve the qualification.

They'll be led by expert instructors from Outposts for the practical components, with CVQO staff delivering the course content.

Sounds great, how much does it cost?

It’s free and open to all CCF cadets.

Places for the course are extremely limited with space for only 64 cadets – however if the course is oversubscribed, as it was in 2016, CVQO may increase the number of available places.

Cadet criteria

Nominated cadets must:

• Be over 17 and under 19 on 1 Sept 2017
• Have passed a Level 2 qualification in English (e.g. GCSE or equivalent)
• Be able to swim 50 metres in light clothing

Cadets will have to make their own travel arrangements to and from the venue.

Transport will be provided free of charge from Taunton Station for those who choose to travel by train.

Application process

The online application process is now open and will be open until approximately the end of September.

CCF Contingent Commanders should nominate one first choice cadet and two reserves.

All cadets must submit a consent form to CVQO signed by a parent/guardian.

Cadets will only be eligible for a place if CVQO has received both the online application form and a completed consent form by their respective closing dates.

The first choice cadets from the first units who are eligible will be contacted by email and offered a place during the first week in October.
Reserve cadets will be expected to complete a consent form, with places offered to them only if the nominated first choice cadet drops out.

General enquiries should be directed to Cathie Sluman on 01276 459 063. Alternatively, you may contact her at [email protected]

For further info and to apply, visit the CVQO website.