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Exciting Inspection Day for Taunton School

Last term Taunton School held their annual Inspection Day.

Exciting Inspection Day for Taunton School

5 April 2018

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This year there was an extremely exciting start to the day as a Royal Navy Wildcat helicopter landed at the front of the school bringing the Inspecting Officer, Colonel Phil Kelly, to review the cadets.

Colonel Kelly is currently in charge of the Air Group on board the Royal Navy’s new Aircraft Carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth.

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The Inspection Parade and activities during the day went very well and Colonel Kelly saw cadets demonstrating many of the skills they have learnt whilst in the CCF.

In his final address to the cadets he praised them for their enthusiasm and pointed out that skills like teamwork, leadership and self-discipline are ‘life skills’ which will be valuable in whatever career they choose.

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