Job Vacancy: School Staff Instructor, Avanti House Secondary School CCF

Avanti House Secondary School is looking to appoint a School Staff Instructor to assist with the running and organisation of their CCF Contingent.

Job Vacancy: School Staff Instructor, Avanti House Secondary School CCF

23 January 2019

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Avanti House is a Hindu-faith school that attracts pupils from across all faiths and from those of none.The school delivers a rounded education to nurture confident and creative young people who will thrive in adult life. An equal emphasis is put on the highest academic achievement alongside the development of character and spiritual insight.

The School Staff Instructor job description is available to download.

Visit for more information on the school.

All applications should be sent to:

The Headmaster, Mr Simon Arnell,

Avanti House Secondary School,

Wemborough Road,

Stanmore, HA7 2EQ.

or via his PA, email to

Application deadline: 12 noon on 22 February 2019.