Job Vacancy: SSI Essa Academy

Essa Academy is seeking an enthusiastic and committed person to join their staff as a caretaker and SSI for their CCF contingent.
Their motto is "All Will Succeed".

Job Vacancy: SSI Essa Academy

14 June 2019

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This role involves general caretaking four days a week, ensuring the Academy and its site is safe, secure, well presented and fit for learning. One day a week will be leading the CCF contingent as SSI.

This is a unique role in the trust, pivotal to their CCF expansion plans.

Closing date for applications is Monday 24th June 2019 at 0800 am.

To discuss this position further or for a copy of the application form please contact Debbie Bolton at [email protected]

For more information please down the job descriptions:

Essa Academy Caretaker

Essa Academy SSI