As part of the Combined Cadet Force’s commitment to delivering the best possible experience to our cadets, we recognise that we have a duty of care to safeguard and protect our cadets and young people who join us, and we do all that we can to promote their health, safety and wellbeing.
- The Army Cadet Safeguarding Children Policy can be accessed here.
- The RAF Cadet Safeguarding Children Policy can be accessed here.
We work hard to ensure we remain a trusted and respected youth organisation, and that our cadets, volunteers and staff are protected from all forms of harm or discrimination. We do this against the MOD’s eight safeguarding standards published in their Safeguarding Framework. You can read about these here.
Every volunteer undergoes an enhanced disclosure check when they join (provided by the Disclosure and Baring Service in England and Wales, Disclosure Scotland in Scotland and Access Northern Ireland in Northern Ireland) before they can train and lead our cadets. All our volunteers also complete thorough safeguarding training when they join the Combined Cadet Force as well as refresher training annually.
The Combined Cadet Force takes all concerns raised to us seriously regardless of when the harm happened, especially when they are about the safety or safeguarding of one of our cadets.
If you have any concern relating to immediate risk or harm to one of our cadets, or any child or young person, please report it directly to the police on 999 or 101.
The fastest and easiest way to raise a concern is to speak to one of your contingent staff or volunteers. You can also raise a concern to your schools Senior Leadership Team. Or if you need to contact our Army Cadet Safeguarding Hub, please complete the contact us form here.
There are also a number of organisations that may be able to offer you help or advice if you have questions, such as the NSPCC’s Childline website.